何しろ、「電気の父」としても尊敬されているマイケル・ファラデー(Michael Faraday, 1791年- 1867年)は、13歳から家計を支えたりして学問から、ほど遠かったのに、電気以外の分野でも数多くの業績を残されております。
E-mail: info@soubunsha.com
I was completely fascinated by the aria "Vesti la giubba" of the opera "I Pagliacci" sung by the best tenor singer
Mario Del Monaco of the 20th century, which jumped out of the TV screen of
"NHK's Italian Opera" in 1961.
It completely overwhelmed me, who admired
Einstein and Edison at the time and entered Tokyo Institute of Technology, and
hated singing, especially opera.
Even so, I studied under Professor Shinroku Saito (former president of Tokyo Institute of Technology), "The
ceramics era is beginning!", And I asked Professor Saito to teach me
how to write a thesis for my undergraduate and master's degrees.
Then, with the advice of Professor Saito,
"It is better to go out to society once after graduating than to study at
university immediately!" ,
I worked for "Japan Asbestos
(currently" Nichias ")" and "Hitachi,Ltd" for several years. However, I couldn't forget my longing since I was a student, so
I retired from Hitachi and decided to stay at Mario Del Monaco's home,
take lessons, and teach me a great voice.
After the deaths of two great professors,
Shinroku Saito and Mario Del Monaco (was it about
14 years ago?), Professor
Kanji Otsuka, who was once a boss
at Hitachi, Ltd. and a professor at Meisei University at the time, gave me warm words and support, saying,
"This is the will of Professor Saito, so you should return to the
world of science."
And while using Professor Otsuka's
laboratory, I am still engaged in research on electromagnetics.
Many people will think, "It's
strange to study electromagnetics while studying ceramics at university!“ Professor Saito always lamented, "It is strange that the Japanese
academia thinks that after studying for a few years in college, it specializes
only in that field for the rest of its life and has nothing to do with
other fields.“
Respected as the "father of
electricity", Michael Faraday (1791-1867), who supported his family from
the age of 13 and was far from academic, has made many achievements in fields
other than electricity. We are doing it.
some areas of physics, mathematical and
philosophical theories have stalled
cognition rather
than deepened.
In addition, due to the unbalanced development of modern academic culture,
mathematical methods have been used in a way that has fallen into the wrong
hands. Therefore, expulsion of mathematical and philosophical theories from
these areas of physics would be our major challenge.
must be clarified there is what is the
true method of natural research. In other words, the question is how to rely on
the simple and uncertain process of observation in nature research, how to
enhance observation to experimentation, and finally how to reach a conclusion.
("Nature and Symbol" Fuzambo Encyclopedia)
19th century was a time of dynamism, as if classical physics was going up the
stairs at once toward completion. Even if you look at it as history, it is an
interesting century.
the same time, physics was not as mature
as it is today, leaving room for young people who did not receive school
education, such as Faraday, to self-taught and develop their natural talents
and achieve great achievements. It was a time when the possibility of producing
a drama was still fully hidden.
the other hand, considering the current state of science, which is highly
developed, highly specialized, and highly fragmented, even the best human
beings must receive research training at the university, let alone the Nobel
Prize, in the world of science. It would be virtually impossible to even put
yourself in.
forefront of science has transformed into a biasedly professional society in
which only humans who have mastered mathematics and laboratory techniques
according to the university curriculum can be involved.
This is a real shame. It is still the age
of experimental science and should continue to exist.
When I was
in college, I didn't master electrical theory and only touched on ceramics
research. However, I assembled a handmade experimental
device using a copper round bar with a diameter of 5 mm and a copper flat plate
with a width of 10 mm, and repeated the experiment while using an electric
measuring device that was far superior to the Faraday era. About five years
later, I wrote my first book. Based on that, I continued to consider further
experiments, added theoretical reinforcement, and repeated a total of 5
supplementary publications.
In those books, I have almost
overturned the conventional theory and built a completely new and novel theory.
The procedure was born out of the
process of experimenting and confirming what I thought was strange in the
knowledge of electricity that I had learned at school.
For example, if I
learn that "electricity flows from the
positive side to the negative side of the power supply, and electrons flow in
the opposite direction", then I wonder what is
that electricity?
If no one knows what the essence of electricity is, it would be easier to understand
if you tell us that electrons are used as electricity, the
charge of electrons is changed from minus to plus, and electricity, that is,
electrons flow from plus to minus.
Also, if I
learn that "electricity flows from high
voltage to low voltage, and the ground is set to zero volts as the reference
for that voltage," then is the current flowing from the positive electrode
of the dry cell toward the ground?
Even though
the transformer coil is wound many times, the one where electricity enters and
the one who returns is in a short state.
But why doesn't the fire blow out
from the transformer?
When I was concerned about these
points and experimented, I realized that what I had been taught in the past was
a product of misunderstanding one after another.
Therefore, no conventional knowledge of electricity is required to read this book.
Knowledge of electricity may just
get in the way.
I sent my book to the editor-in-chief of a famous Japanese scientific magazine,
I received a reply saying that I didn't want to see a book that denied
"Maxwell's equations".
For more detailed information, please
contact: Soubunsha
5-2-4 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Sendagaya Silk Heights 402
TEL: 03-3355-6265
E-mail: info@soubunsha.com
