新『コロンブスの電磁気学』(第4巻)新たなコンデンサとコイル理論 |
"Copernican Revolution of Electromagnetism“BOOKⅣ A new theory of capacitors and coils | ||||||||||
従来の電気理論、或は、一般常識からでは、「コンデンサ」と「コイル」は両者の類似点は皆無の「電子部品」と見做されておりますが、先ずは、次に掲げます「本著の表紙裏の図、並び、測定結果」をご覧頂きますと、本著の副題である“コンデンサもコイルも縦列接続された伝送路です”を御理解頂けると存じます。 上の状態で「コンデンサ、或は、コイル」に、矩形波信号を1パルス送ると、次の測定結果を得ます。
「第1章 第5節 補足 コンデンサに関する突入電流の誤解」
「第2章 第6節 インダクタンスへの誤解の解消」
「第2章 第7節 インダクタンスの誤解:並列接続型コイルの場合」
「第2章 第9節 線間容量は誤解で、実態は多重反射」
まえがき 第1章 新たなコンデンサ理論
第1節 コンデンサは縦列接続された伝送路 補足:フィルタ型コンデンサの内部電圧変化式
第2節 コンデンサ伝送路への入出力状況のイメージ
第3節 コンデンサ伝送路への入出力状況のイメージの補足
補足 実測結果でイメージを更に補足
第4節 コンデンサに於ける電圧変化の実測値と計算値の比較
補足 銅箔コンデンサに於ける電圧変化の実測と計算値の比較
第5節 バイパス型コンデンサ伝送路の序
補足 コンデンサに関する突入電流の誤解
第6節 直列接続の低Zの伝送路はバイパス型コンデンサです
第7節 市販コンデンサの現状
第2章 新たなコイル理論
第1節 コイルは縦列接続された伝送路
第2節 コイル伝送路とコンデンサ伝送路の相違
第3節 コイル伝送路への入出力状況のイメージ
第4節 コイル伝送路への入出力状況イメージの補足
第5節 コイル伝送路への入出力状況を実測して確認
第6節 インダクタンスへの誤解の解消
第7節 インダクタンスの誤解:並列接続型コイルの場合
補足 並列接続コイルの数式的考察
第8節 直列接続型コイル(直列コイル)
第9節 線間容量は誤解で、実態は多重反射
According to conventional electrical
theory and common wisdom, "capacitors" and "coils" are regarded as
"electronic components" that have no similarities.
First of all, if you look at the figures and measurement results shown below, you will understand the subtitle of this book, "Capacitors and coils are transmission lines connected in tandem.“ Both the capacitor and the coil are
transmission lines that are connected in tandem.
When one pulse of a square wave signal was sent to the "capacitor or coil" in the state shown above, the following measurement results were obtained.
From this measurement result that (3) becomes a square wave or zero state, the absolute value is the same from the "capacitor or coil" to the input side / output side transmission line, and the current with the opposite sign is discharged. The phenomenon becomes clear.
And from this result, it is clear that both the capacitor and the coil are transmission lines connected in tandem.
You can see that the "current flowing through the capacitor" is definitely not the "displacement current" that appears in the "Maxwell's equations" that was firmly believed until now.
Furthermore, you can understand that the current flowing through the coil does not flow in sequence for each coil.
Please see this book for details on experiments and considerations on new electrical theories related to capacitors and coils.
I will describe the table of contents of this book, but in the following part, I prove that the treditional theory is misunderstood about things other than coils and capacitors.
“Chapter1 Section5 Supplement: Misunderstanding of inrush current related to capacitors”
“Chapter2 Section6:Elimination of misunderstandings about inductance”
“Chapter2 Section7:Inductance Misunderstanding: In the case of parallel connection type coil”
“Chapter2 Section9: Line capacitance is a misunderstanding, in fact multiple reflections”
table of contents
Chapter 1 New Capacitor Theory
Section 1 Capacitors are vertically connected transmission lines
Supplement: Internal voltage change type of filter type capacitor
Section 2 Image of input / output status to capacitor transmission line
Section 3 Supplement to the image of the input / output status to the capacitor transmission line
Supplement: Further supplement the image with the actual measurement results
Section 4 Comparison of measured and calculated values of voltage changes in capacitors
Supplement: Comparison of measured and calculated values of voltage changes in copper foil capacitors
Section 5 Introduction of bypass type capacitor transmission line
Supplement: Misunderstanding of inrush current related to capacitors
Section 6 The low Z transmission line connected in series is a bypass type capacitor.
Section 7 Current status of commercially available capacitors
Chapter 2 New Coil Theory
Section 1 Coil is a transmission line connected in columns
Section 2 Difference between coil transmission line and capacitor transmission line
Section 3 Image of input / output status to coil transmission line
Section 4 Supplement to the input / output status image to the coil transmission line
Section 5 Actually measure and confirm the input / output status to the coil transmission line
Section 6 Elimination of misunderstandings about inductance
Section 7 Inductance Misunderstanding: In the case of parallel connection type coil
Supplement: Mathematical consideration of parallel connection coils
Section 8 Series connection type coil (series coil)
Section 9 Line capacitance is a misunderstanding, in fact multiple reflections
Afterword |